Sunday, July 17, 2011

Well, at least I tried...

Where have my blog posts been and why haven't there been any so far? Well, I have really just today come to a point where I have had a LOT of sleep (thank you, Scott!), gained some perspective and am somewhat over my culture shock after being here three weeks and settling in more...and maybe winning today's battle over negative self-talk. I just spent about an hour remembering and writing a post about our flight over, and uploaded pictures of Colin on the plane via Picasa, then I got some blanking! error message in German and now I am just really mad, frustrated, and tired. It's midnight here so I'm going to bed and will try again later once I've calmed down. So, all you people asking when I'm going to blog, just stay tuned and pray my wi-fi connection stays on and that my feeble, technologically challenged mind will cooperate! Keep your expectations low...more later after I've had some more sleep! 


  1. Blog looks good so far. I know you will enjoy it as a remembrance when you get back as well.

  2. I can't believe it has already been 3 weeks! Hope you are having a blast...and getting over the culture shock! :) Miss you here!!!
